What's Next for Steve Depoe?
Steve Depoe
May 10, 2022
I write this blog post on April 29, 2022. Today, I am turning in my keys and faculty ID and am ending my 36-year career as a tenure-track Professor in the Department of Communication (now School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies). A few tears will be shed by the end of this afternoon.
Given the opportunity by UC Friends of Communication, I would like to communicate two messages to their newsletter readers:
First, THANKS to all of you for have supported me through the years, and special thanks to those who planned and attended my retirement event on April 21. We had 50+ people in attendance, including faculty, staff, administrators, and lots of alums. My church choir (from Clifton UMC) paid me a surprise visit and sang a couple of songs. Folks were encouraged to make a donation to the UC Communication Alumni Scholarship Fund (which we are trying to endow--it takes $50,000--see link below to donate!). All in all, the event was special, one of the best days of my life.
In my remarks at the event, I chose a line from Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem "Ulysses": "I am a part of all that I have met." To me, this means that each of us, in whatever context or path of life we take, both influence and are influenced by many other people. We have opportunities to create happiness, value, and a positive legacy every day. This is especially true for those of us who have been fortunate enough to work in the education field. I have been influenced in some way by every person who attend that retirement event. And, I hope that many in attendance feel that they have been positively influenced by me along the way.
So, what's next for Depoe?
I have been given the opportunity to return to UC as an Emeritus adjunct instructor, starting this summer. I will be teaching three undergraduate classes a semester in 2022-23! I hope to assist the new School in fundraising for scholarships and other projects, and also plan to maintain my support for UC Friends of Communication.
In short, I would like to maintain a connection to UC as long as I feel I can provide value to the students who we serve and to our growing alumni community.
Beyond UC, I will now have time to devote to causes and organizations that matter to me, particularly in the areas of social and environmental justice. I plan to plug in and find new ways to make a difference.
Onward, friends!
PS: Here is the link to the donation portal for the Communication Alumni Scholarship Fund: Standard Donation Form - Areas to Support - Foundation - University of Cincinnati (uc.edu) https://foundation.uc.edu/areas-donate?id=d98617c2-6800-462f-9362-f68f4c24037e